4th Of July, Monday Wod & Blog 40 & 41!

Blog entry 41

Getting people to believe in you by believing in them that’s leadership!
Good afternoon peeps, sorry I didn’t post a blog this weekend. I got a three day weekend off & was enjoying some good quality meh meh time.

I got to take my daughter for the first time FRIDAY to Gymboree! How cool is that! I was the only dad there & got to experience what my wife does on a weekly basis with our Olivia.
Such a Blessing! She was so happy that I was singing & dancing with her. Her face lit up. Priceless! I’m not familiar with the songs so I danced & acted silly for the most part.
Trained FRIDAY & Saturday. It been tough. The body is feeling it. Hero wods the whole week do some punishment to this 33 year old frame.

Then after spent some time hosting July4th get together at my home. EPIC! Filled with great memories & Olivia’s first firework show. Half my peeps went missing on the way there! LOL What happens in Avalon stays in Avalon.

Sunday literally rested all day, pool, food, shark week & bed! I woke up ready to attack the day. Taught CPR to my community. Always good to spread knowledge that could save a life.
Got to train with my peeps. Hit some heavy cleans & then worked Engine. Plan on training again tonight.

Getting ready for the F3 summer games this weekend. I look forward to rep the box with one heck of a show in spandex with class!
The box F3 holds a special place in my heart. Great coaches & staff. I also won my first individual comp there & came in 2nd next to Juan the beast! I battled to the end with a serious hamstring injury. Says a lot! I Didn’t expect it but hard work pays off. Always fun to test your fitness & mental toughness. Love you peeps! Remember it’s never to late to preserve the sexy!
Pic is the last WOD at F3. Juan & I battled this one out. He got me on the Burpees! I couldn’t be more proud. We cheered the last athlete all the way to the end! Sportsmanship!


Did you have a rough weekend with your Marcos?! LOL no worries peeps. Don’t beat yourself up to bad. It’s never to late to get back on track. Start with a plan. Try out my fitness pal app & set a goal & stick to it. Ask your CFMDI coaches & staff how this free app works & helps. It’s all about being accountable. So what are you waiting for? Download it now!



MEH MEH! AYE QUE ANIMAL! It’s never to young to start or to old! It’s Monday start off right by coming to CrossFit M.D.I. we would love to help you reach your goals. It will be hard at first but with our great community, staff & coaches you will become a healthier & happier you.
Level 1 & 2 Fundamentals: HANDS ON CPR
Level 1: MOTAvational Monday
Buy in: 800 m run
2 rounds
50 Ball Cleans
40 Russian Twists
30 Ball slams
20 Lunges per Leg
10 Ball Burpees
Buy out: 800 m run
Level 2:
25 box over buy in:
C2B/Pull ups/Bands
KB swings over head 50/35
KB Push Press
Burpees over the KB
25 box over Buy out:


4th of July

How many Goose bumps? ALL THE GOOSE BUMPS during the National Anthem before the WOD started! Today was beyond AN EPIC CLASS!!! So much love, pride & passion this 4th of July WOD! I appreciate everyone that came out to this ROUGH & TOUGH butt kicker Merica Hero WOD! I LOVE YOU ALL! Enjoy your families & friends & I hope to see you Monday for class. God bless!


Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. -Psalm 118:29
Such an amazing start to a fun Friday! 6am & 9am class filled with peeps becoming healthy & happy through fitness! Do you need help? Let us at CrossFit M.D.I. Inspire you!!!
If you missed class this morning no worries next class is at 5,6 & 7pm! No TE PUNGA Missing out!!!
Also don’t forget we are open July 4th 2015 for 9:30am class only.


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Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. -Psalm 118:29 Such an amazing start to a fun Friday! 6am & 9am class filled with peeps becoming healthy & happy through fitness! Do you need help? Let us at CrossFit M.D.I. Inspire you!!! If you missed class this morning no worries next class is at 5,6 & 7pm! No TE PUNGA Missing out!!! Also don't forget we are open July 4th 2015 for 9:30am class only. —- Crossfit M.D.I. is our name and PTS is our motto. At CrossFit M.D.I. we PRESERVE THE SEXY! Did you know your membership to CrossFit M.D.I. Gives you unlimited classes that includes Yoga Thursday's & our new Preserving the Strength barbell club!** WOWZERS! Mind blown! Monday-Friday Classes: Mornings: 6am Level 1 & 2 9am Level 2 only —- Nights: 5pm, 6pm & 7pm Level 1 & 2 Wednesday: 8pm PTS Barbell Club Thursday 7pm: YOGA ONLY —- Saturday Classes: 9:30am Level 1 & 2 11am-12pm: PTS Barbell Club —- Sunday: PTS Barbell Clubz 8am-9am —- Fundamentals course: Monday, Wednesday & Friday all class times. Special Offer: First class is free!!! First Month SPECIAL! CrossFit M.D.I. 1460 N. Goldenrod Orlando FL, 32807 Suite 135 Follow us: Facebook: CrossFit MDI Instagram: @crossfitmdi Twitter: @luisptslopez Yelp: CrossFit MDI #thebabyfacedon #liveasanexample #alltheweight #notepunga #youwelcome #lilenginethatcould #camargoooo #teammdi #godschild #crossfitmdi #cfmdi #crossfit #faith #blessed #health #fitness #motivation #dedication #inspiration #nike #orlando #florida #nalgaprobs #spandexkillas #ptsmade #preservingthesexy #npti #mrpts #thequadfather

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Fun Friday

We should never fear failure but we should fear mediocrity! All of us at CrossFit M.D.I. has a special light within. Let’s keep that light bright for the world to see. We are the future! We are that special box filed with love & passion that the whole Orlando Sees. We will change the world! We will inspire our community to live a healthy & happy life. How you ask? Through: Motivation! Dedication! Inspiration! Preserving the sexy!
Fun Friday!!! M.D.I. Of the Day 7/3/15
Level 1: Fundamentals: snatches
25 box over buy in
kb swings
box dips
Level 2:
EMOM 5 min: Barbell complex 75% of 1rm clean
1 power clean
1 full squat clean
1 hang clean
1 hang squat clean
Five rounds for time of:
30 Kettlebell swing, 50/35
30 Burpees
30 sit-ups


Blog Entry 40
Teaching my Olivia Lynn how to say I love you. So one day she can tell her beautiful momma she loves her. ❤❤❤
What’s going on peeps. Thankful Thursdays one of my favorite days of the week because of Endurance day & then yoga 7pm!
But first very thankful for my family, coaches, staff, CFMDI community & NPTI students. They keep my inspired daily.
6am opened the Adult Disney up to change lives. Got in a great Hero WOD. All body weight movements & running. I was very excited to do really well on the workout & kick butt in the run. The new Nike Metcons feel great for 400 meter runs! I’m really enjoying training in them. 181lbs after the WOD & the lil engine that could is still there.
After class I had some downtime to play with Olivia & work on some gymnastics. It feels ok but I need to dedicate more time on my ring muscle ups. I still pull to early. It’s hard to reprogram that habit but it must be done. Efficiency & consistency is key.
Headed to school to teach my students & inspire them. They are such a wonderful group. It’s always a great feeling to get two great classes back to back of future fitness professionals.
During lunch spoke to my CFMDI team about our first big open box competition to be held at our box! Battle of Los Animals: The Spandex Games Edition! So dope! I felt so inspired I wrote out 3 out of the 4 wods on the spot! It will be an epic event! I love how inspiration just hits me out of no where. Every box is welcome to participate in it!
That’s Gods plan & influence flowing through me when inspiration just pops up. All glory to Papa Dios. This comp will be a very fun & & will be a big hit!
Look for it on BoxTribe.com by next week to register. Off to get much needed man pamper time. My weekly haircut at Jaca’s Barber Shop. Then off to coach the greatest community of all time at M.D.I.! Love you peeps! No TE PUNGA forgetting to track your macros on My Fitness Pal App.



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