PTS of the Day! New Reebok Nano!

Are you up for the Challenge! This was my work out today! This will make you feel like a sexy beast! Pace your self! Watch your form! Rest only if you need to! Let’s Preserve the Sexy!

1. 90LB barbell snatches: 40 reps
2. 40 double unders
3. 20 yard sprints: 4 sets
4. 20LB medicine ball slams: 40 reps
5. 50 jumps on jump rope: 4 sets
6. 20LB sand bag 100 yard run: 4 sets
7. 20LB sand bag 20 walking lunges: 4 sets
8. 40 double unders
9. 40 jumping pull ups
10. push ups 20 reps: 4 sets
11. 50LB Kettle Bell Swings
12. 40 double unders

FYI I love these sneakers! Reebok if you read this! I would love to test a pair in size 9! I will put these bad boys to the test!

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