Machines? WE DONT USE MACHINES! The PTS Fitness Studio Clients are the machines! What is functional fitness? Functional fitness is training multiple muscles, nerves and joints together to prepare your body for the specific activities and demands of everyday life. These activities include squatting, bending, twisting, walking, jumping, climbing etc. Our bodies need to work in a controlled and coordinated fashion to perform these movements effectively. Exercises such as squats, lunges, standing rows, and trunk rotations require different muscles groups have to work together rather than in isolation. Some of the important benefits of functional training include:
* helps correct poor movement and postural patterns
* improves flexibility
* helps prevent injury
* improves balance
* increases muscle and joint strength

Functional fitness programs are designed around exercises and activities that closely mimic the activities of daily living. Throughout our workdays, time spent playing with our children, and activities performed with our friends and families we move in a variety of different ways, it is not often that we sit on a bench and push something forward, lie on our backs and push something up, or shrug our shoulders up and down repeatedly. However, bending, twisting, changing direction, and lifting at various speeds in multiple settings are a part of our daily lives. While working out on machines or performing a typical bodybuilding routine do build strength, endurance, and burn calories, they do very little to prepare you for the movements of life. In fact, most common injuries occur while performing activities outside of the gym. Functional fitness exercises can increase strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance by using exercises that mimic real life movement patterns. Single plane exercises are becoming a thing of the past.You need to be able to move in all three planes of motion(sagittal,Frontal and transverse).

So what are you waiting for come visit us at the PTS Fitness Studio for one of our many classes that include: Boot Camps, One on One training, Speed Blast, OsteoBlast, Kettle Bell, Olympic Lifting, Suspension training. Take your life! You have to sweat like a pig & work like a horse to look like a a fox! Motivation! Dedication! Inspiration! – Mr. PTS

PTS FItness Studio
210 N. Goldenrod Suite 3
Orlando Florida 32807


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